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Are you looking for someone to talk to about personal matters, relationship challenges or your vocation? Perhaps I can be of support to you.

I have always enjoyed getting to know different people and professional counselors I know have said I have "the gift" as a counselor type of personality.  For me, building a friendship that supports you as a whole person is immensely rewarding. I particularly enjoy it when a kind of synergy is reached between me and another person as we partner toward common interests and goals. Two is better than one when it comes to addressing the challenging matters of life. When a trust is built that can support a deeper exploration of personal change and growth, it is a beautiful thing.

As a person who has worked in multiple fields -- architecture, non-profit organizations and educational institutions -- I have a range of experience to draw upon if you need a sounding board regarding your vocation.  And as a business owner, I can share with you what I have learned about operating small for-profit enterprises.

I have been interested in psychology most of my adult life and have worked as a mental health worker. With a degree in Spirituality from Naropa University, I have also delved into theological issues, dream work, and general exploration into the process of making meaning in the complicated times we live in. 

For me, the most important thing is to find a way to touch on what inspires, encourages and opens up the potential within each of us to become a better version of who we are.

As your associate, I can be a part of your support circle as you seek meaning and success in life.

Let's do this!

Background (some highlights, this is not comprehensive)

As a youth I discovered a passion for piano and classical music -- so much so that I eventually pursued and secured a music composition degree at Arizona State University. Simultaneous to my music studies, I apprenticed with an architect and eventually completed many construction drawings for numerous buildings that were built in the Prescott Arizona area. My younger years were an intensely creative time in my life and I look back with fondness to the "right brain" activities of timelessness. To this day I enjoy those moments when my whole being is caught up with a creative, engaging activity that captures my imagination and consumes me.

During college, I entered a "dark night of the soul" where I questioned deeply held beliefs about the religion I grew up in and the nature of "god". This led me on a journey that is still evolving -- and looking for ways to find meaning in my life is still very important to me.


Later, in 2000-2001 and again in 2008-2010, I worked at EMPACT Crisis in Maricopa County, AZ (now La Frontera) as a crisis specialist conducting on-site assessments, primarily for suicide risk. I worked side by side with many therapists, with many clients in many situations. I completed many comprehensive trainings with master's level counselors, ranging from Family Systems Therapy to Life Space Interviews. Our primary goal was to work with people and try to find a way to leave people in a better functioning circumstance than where we started. It was very rewarding when this happened.

In 2001-2003 I studied Spirituality and culture at Naropa University where I received a Masters Degree. Here I delved into not only making sense of my own spiritual journey, but explored how I might assist others with theirs. After graduating from Naropa, I joined the staff and supported the Oakland California program that existed at the time.  Over two years I studied with and then assisted Jeremy Taylor, a renowned dream work teacher who taught at Naropa and numerous institutions in the San Francisco Bay Area.

In 2011 I initially conducted outreach activities for Ecosa Institute in Prescott, Arizona. Eventually my responsibilities included full program administration coordination and fund raising. In 2014, as the lead development representative for the Institute, I secured over $4 million that allowed the Institute to purchase land for a future campus. There were many twists and turns during my tenure at Ecosa and I learned a lot about leadership, non-profit development and ecologically sensitive design of human habitats.

From 2012-present I have been a small business owner, providing IT support for small businesses and individuals. Part of what makes this work rewarding to me is coming into relationship with my clients. Hearing about their lives and sharing some of my own experiences while we work together to solve their technical challenges. A number of my IT clients have become treasured friends.

In 2019 I launched a wood-working side business, making and selling furniture, boot-strapping the business as it grows -- funding expansion from profits immediately realized. I have found it is fun to develop a product for which there is immediate interest and need and sales. I have many ideas for other manufacturing products -- the only limit is my time!

Also in 2019, my son Gabriel was born. This was one of the most intense and amazing events of my life and I am so pleased with how my son is growing and developing. As a father partnering with his mother Danielle, I am learning about balancing my needs for personal growth with those of the family. A challenge, but a worthy one!

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